
About Jørgine

Meljane Thunderbitch (born 22.02.2019) likes to get her will. Jørgine as we call her is a lovely bitch with a good mood who loves to play with the other dogs. She works great in the herd and are not afraid of anything. We imported Jørgine from Spain as a puppy because of her very good pedigree. We are incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to import her from a well-known breeder in Spain and we look forward to see her grow. 

Health: HUU free. Must be checked further when she is 1 year old. 

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Engelsk bulldog
Mor: Meljane Arabella Stuart
Engelsk bulldog
Far: CH Bulls Camelot Athila King of the Huns


Meljane Thunderbitch (born 22.02.2019) likes to get her will. Jørgine as we call her is a lovely bitch with a good mood who loves to play with the other dogs. She works great in the herd and are not afraid of anything. We imported Jørgine from Spain as a puppy because of her very good pedigree. We are incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to import her from a well-known breeder in Spain and we look forward to see her grow. 

Health: HUU free. Must be checked further when she is 1 year old. 

Click here for Dogweb


Mor: Meljane Arabella Stuart

Far: CH 
Bulls Camelot Athila King of the Huns


Engelsk bulldog